Sabbath (12)

There are none that walk so close with God all the six days, as those that keep closest to God on the seventh day.

2K      2024-04-27     1
It is good to rest on the Sabbath-day from the works of our calling; but if we rest from labour and do no more, the ox and the ass keep the Sabbath as well as we; for they rest from labour. We must dedicate the day to God; we must not only 'keep a Sabbath,' but 'sanctify' a Sabbath.Ten Commandments, 100

1.5K      2024-01-04     1
Sabbath rest is not the post-eschaton Sabbath celebrated in heaven, nor the rest that believers experience in death, but a present rest enjoyed by those who believe (4:3), anticipating a greater future "rest" (4:11). Human Sabbath keeping is a metaphor for cessation from works (4:10) in commemoration of God's rest at creation (4:4=Gen. 2:2) and of salvation provided by Christ. The physical Sabbath rest that God's people enjoy reflects the inner spiritual rest, which is a deposit of the final eschatological rest proleptically experienced "today" (4:7)For the Glory of God (280)

1.3K      2016-09-18     1
Some argue for the normativeness of the "Ten Commands" as a guide for Christian behavior, but then remove the Sabbath ordinance as an exception, claiming this to be part of the ceremonial law that ended in Christ. However, this approach is indefensible. (1) The seventh-day Sabbath ordinance is embedded in the Decalogue as a fundamental principle of covenant relationship, along with the prohibition of any other gods, of murder, and so on. One may not treat it differently from the rest. (2) According to the Exodus version of the Decalogue, the six-plus-one weekly rhythm is fundamental to the cosmic order. Exodus 20:11 grounds the human practice in the pattern of divine creative work. (3) In its origin the Sabbath is separated from Israel's ceremonial laws. In fact, Israelites were observing it as a matter of course before they got to Sinai (Ex. 16). (4) The Sabbath command is not primarily a cultic ordinance. In intent and character it was both humanitarian (a gift offering people rest and refreshment from life-sustaining labor) and theological—offering Israelites an opportunity to declare their fundamentally theological perspective on life (God is Creator of all), their confidence in him to provide for the seventh day, their acceptance of covenant relationship, their gratitude for salvation from slavery, and their compassion for the poor. (5) Nowhere does the New Testament declare the seventh-day Sabbath passé in Christ.

852      2024-04-19     0
Sabbath-sanctification consists in two things: (1) Solemn preparation for it... (2) The sacred observation of it.Ten Commandments, 100-101

368      2024-01-04     0

New Quotes

we have brought God as low in his Day, as in any of the former: though it be a Day of commemoration of one of the greatest mercies; a Day of special communion with God in his Ordinances; a sign between God and his people; a type of our eternal rest in heaven; a Day of God's own institution; yet how in many places of this kingdom has it been profaned? We have been so far from calling it Honourable, that we have made it Ordinary; a Day of sports, pasttimes and recreations; we have done our own works, and spoke our own words;A Glimpse of God\'s Glory

431      2024-06-17     0
alas! in many places, there is no day in the week, wherein the devil has been more served in revellings, drunkenness, and all manner of ungodliness, then on that Day. We have been so far from esteeming it a delight, that no day has been a greater burden to us, accounting the work of that day most irksome, and the time most tedious.A Glimpse of God\'s Glory

431      2024-06-17     0
When the Lord's Day is at an end, we should long for the Sabbath in heaven, which will never have an end.Shorter Catechism Explained

564      2024-05-06     1

Works of necessity and charity however may be done on this day. In these cases God will have mercy and not sacrifice.Ten Commandments, 100

367      2024-01-04     0
It is sacrilege to rob for civil work the time which God has set apart for his worship. He that devotes any time of the Sabbath to worldly business, is a worse thief than he who robs on the highway; for the one does but rob man, but the other robs God.Ten Commandments, 99

366      2024-01-04     0
The grand reason for changing the Jewish Sabbath to the Lord's-day is that it puts us in mind of the 'Mystery of our redemption by Christ.' The reason why God instituted the old Sabbath was to be a memorial of the creation; but he has now brought the first day of the week in its room in memory of a more glorious work than creation, which is redemption.Ten Commandments, 96

412      2024-01-04     0

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